Wolf Totems Skyrim

Just talk to Aela after you cure Kodlak and shit, and she'll eventually give you missions to go and collect the totems. The totem you need is the Totem of Brotherhood. Once selected, and given the perks, it will replace your summoned wolves with Ice Wolves or Werewolves, Werewolves being the penultimate option. Werewolf Totem List now complete! Updated to include W20 rules!, 04:16 AM. As with the Garou and Fera Gift lists, just follow the link in my signature. I went the extra mile and went back and got the Source/page reference for ALL of the Garou totems. I think I included every Garou totem ever published with the exception of Panthilesa. Im a werewolf and i love it but i heard somewhere about some sort of totem you can get to change what your power sa a werewolf does.can anyone expand on this.

Each garou can have up to three totems, a personal totem, a pack totem, and a sept totem. These totems have the following limitations:

The totems are described in detail in the tome, The Totems of Hircine. By praying to these totems, you will be given a unique ability that replaces the older Howl of Terror; it is activated by pressing the shout button while in beast form. Put newly obtained totem in a place marked by the game (screen above), receiving gold and ending the quest. This totem will allow you to change rules of transforming into werewolf. You might do this quest again and find another totem in the future. But you should be aware, that you can use only one totem at same time.

1) The greater brood incarnae may not be taken as personal totems by anyone less than rank four. They may not be taken as sept totems for any sept that does not have a majority of members who are in the brood of that totem and they may not be taken as pack totems by any pack that does not have a majority of members who are of that brood.
2) The greater cardinal (aka elemental) incarnae may not be taken as personal totems by anyone less than rank four. They may not be taken as sept totems for any sept that does not have a majority of members who are of the appropriate essence and they may not be taken as pack totems for any pack that does not have a majority of members who are of the appropriate essence.
3) Your personal totem must be one for which you have completed its renown quest. No exceptions.
4) Each totem grants a particular ability to garou that have it. Personal totems grant a minor but notable ability, typically on par with a level three vampire discipline. Pack totems generally grant each member of the pack the ability to grant some benefit to some other member of the pack. Sept totems often grant significant abilities, usually on par with a level four vampire discipline or a level five vampire thaumaturgical ritual, but only when the werewolf is within the boundaries of the sept. The totems of the greater incarnae grant abilities that are notably more powerful.
5) Each sept may only have one totem.
6) Each pack may have only one totem. Due to laws of spirit interaction agreed upon by the Maeljin Incarnae, two packs within a sept may not have the same totem.
7) Garou with no wolf may be part of sept and pack, thus gaining the grace of a totem, even if they cannot access other werewolf powers. It is extremely rare, but these kinfolk may also have a personal totem as well.
8) A garou who violates the bans of one of their totems loses that totem's benefits. To regain these powers, the werewolf must do pennance (typically a quest on par with those to gain rank/renown, only with no rank benefit.) After the quest is completed, the werewolf's power will return on the next full moon.
9) A personal totem will never manifest.
10) Pack totems manifest at the cost of one gnosis spent by each pack member in unison (spent on the same round.) Use the appropriate totem's pack stat block to determine abilities. Pack totems must remain within sight (the spirit's sight) of at least one member of the pack at all times.
11) Sept totems manifest at the cost of one gnosis spent per each sept member, all spent in one round. This gnosis may be spent by any combination of members of the sept.
12) Sept totems may not leave the sept.
13) The rite dedicating a sept totem causes that totem to be the spirit of that caern/node.
14) Dedication of a totem has a permanent cost. Please see the following table:
* Personal, lesser: One permanent Rage
* Personal, greater: One permanent Rage and Willpower
* Pack, lesser: One permanent Gnosis
* Pack, greater: One permanent Gnosis, Rage, and Willpower
* Sept, lesser: One permanent Willpower*
* Sept, greater: One permanent Gnosis and Willpower*
**This cost does not need to be paid by any member of the sept that does not leave the caern. Leaving the caern will sever the connection to the totem, and the sept member will need to be rededicated.

15) A pack can have no less than three and no more than seven members. The rite to form a pack cannot be performed with less than three people (although one will still get the benefits of the totem if membership is brought back up if reduced below three) and cannot be performed if there are already seven members. The rite to bond a pack totem requires at least one person in the pack to have the totem in question as a personal totem.
16) A Sept can only support ten times the rating of the caern at its heart in werewolves. Dedicating the sept to a particular totem requires that at least one person in the sept have the totem in question as a personal totem.
Maeljin Incarnae
Foebok: Water Dominance (Cruelty)
* Personal: costs zero rage to change
* Pack: may trade a rage trigger with a member of the pack for the cost of a will and a gnosis
* Pack totem: Thunderwyrm
* Sept: reduce all damage taken by one from each source
* Sept totem: Hakakem
* Fetish: Ice talon
Vorus: Water Cunning (Paranoia)
* Personal: may enter Any of the three umbrae (Deadlands, Never Never, Middle Umbra)
* Pack: may spend two gnosis for another member of the pack to gain one
* Pack totem: Ooralath
* Sept: cannot be seen except through use of a level five power or greater (as obfuscate five)
* Sept totem: Relshab
* Fetish: Umbral Mirror
Mahstraac: Water Judgement (Hatred)
* Personal: bonus social trait, may take you above your max
* Pack: may spend a leadership retest to add one social trait to another member of the pack for one hour
* Pack totem: Hordeling
* Sept: spirits lose ties on mental and social challenges vs. the garou
* Sept totem: Green Dragon
* Fetish: Mask
Bashkai: Fire Dominance (Violence)
* Personal: bonus brawl, may take you above your max
* Pack: inflict an aggravated wound on yourself. another member of the pack does two additional levels of lethal damage on their next attack.
* Pack totem: Gorehound
* Sept: your attacks do an extra level of lethal damage
* Sept totem: Malik Harjak
* Fetish: Klaive
Khaloob: Fire Cunning (Independence)
* Personal: bonus mental trait, may take you above your max
* Pack: may spend two skill retests to give someone else one level of that same skill for one challenge.
* Pack totem: Skull Pig
* Sept: any round in which you spend rage anyone that can see you who does not have this totem and you wish to take this damage takes one bashing damage per round, to a maximum of six from this effect on any single target.
* Sept totem: Dark Fungus
* Fetish: Shadowstaff
Kanubia: Fire Judgement (Lust)
* Personal: additional bashing damage done for attacks against one's pack or sept members
* Pack: may grant any merit or flaw of shape that you have to any other member of the pack at the cost of its value in gnosis for a minute. If it is a merit, you no longer have it and they do. You get to keep a flaw granted by this power. These return to you at the end of the minute
* Pack totem: Raptor
* Sept: add two to breeding
* Sept totem: Empress Aliara
* Fetish: Bonelash
Gree: Air Dominance (Despair)
* Personal: bonus temporary rage, may take you above your max, if rage is full the first rage spent must be used on extra action
* Pack: may spend two rage to grant another member of the pack one
* Pack totem: Nocturne
* Sept: know the precise location of everything within 200 yards. This can only be superseded by a level five or greater power
* Sept totem: Bat
* Excrutiator
Letharg: Air Cunning (Apathy)
* Personal: win ties on all lore challenges
* Pack: if a member of the pack loses a mental or social challenge, you may take the result on yourself instead of the recipient, provided you do so within one combat round
* Pack totem: Drattos
* Sept: when a willpower is spent to ignore a compulsion (including frenzy) the garou functions at full capacity and this lasts for a scene (one hour) rather than a combat round
* Sept totem: Whippoorwill
* Dreamcatcher
Pseulak: Air Judgement (Lies)
* Personal: Do not suffer the social trait penalty for dealing with creatures without a rage pool.
* Pack: may spend a willpower to suppress a pack member's frenzy for one round
* Pack totem: Oasis
* Sept: may teach as though possessed of ten additional social traits
* Sept totem: Kirijama
* Labrynthstone
Angu: Earth Dominance (Fear)
* Personal: may spend one rage to heal at double rate for one round
* Pack: may spend one rage to take the damage inflicted on a pack member by a single source, causing the pack member to take no damage and have you take it instead. You gain no rage benefit from taking this damage.
* Pack totem: Bitter Rage
* Sept: treat all lethal damage as bashing damage
* Sept totem: Lady Aife
* Fetish: Anchorstone
Sykora: Earth Cunning (Greed)
* Personal: has a discipline level retest on defensive mental challenges
* Pack: holding a weapon will cause another member of your pack to be holding a similar weapon for as long as you hold yours.
* Pack totem: Seeder
* Sept: reduce difficulty to cast rituals by half (round up)
* Sept totem: The Doge Klypse
* Fetish: Spirit Pouch
Abhora: Earth Judgement (Power)
* Personal: has a discipline level retest on defensive social challenges
* Pack: if you can overbid a social or mental challenge in which you are engaged and you succeed in the challenge, you can cause a member of your pack to win ties on a similar challenge (uses the same ability) undertaken within the next minute.
* Pack totem: Shade Spider
* Sept: bonus two willpower Wolf Totems Skyrim
* Sept totem: Lord Steel
* Fetish: Ring of Obedience
Brood Incarnae
Typhon: Dominance
* Personal: do an additional level of lethal damage with all attacks
* Pack: may spend a rage to grant a member of your pack an extra action, provided it is used to attack
* Pack totem: Warbeast
* Sept: you may spend rage to refresh your brawl, athletics, melee, defense, and firearms instead of spending willpower
* Sept totem: Typhonian
* Fetish: Grand Klaive
Hagenthi: Cunning
* Personal: do not need double traits to overbid, just a greater number
* Pack: for any challenge that you triple overbid, every member of your pack
automatically succeeds at a similar non-attack challenge
undertaken within the next minute.
* Pack totem: Devourer
* Sept: when in frenzy the werewolf may take any action that could concievably lead to the destruction of his enemies, rather than being forced to attack and use the most powerful powers
* Sept totem: Hagenth
* Fetish: Hagenthi's Maw
Karnala: Judgement
* Personal: is treated as having the ability majesty, only affecting other garou. Will function on a werewolf in frenzy.
* Pack: for the cost of a willpower you may give a level of any ability you possess to another member of your pack for the duration of one challenge. the ability is considered spent
* Pack totem: Enticer
* Sept: no one may violate their spoken word to you without first spending your rank in willpower
* Sept totem: KarnalianTotem
* Fetish: Tablets
Cardinal Incarnae
H'rugg: Water
* Personal: heal one extra lethal per round.
* Pack: spend one gnosis. instead of regenerating on any given round, you may grant the amount that you could have regenerated to another member of your pack.
* Pack totem: Hruggling
* Sept: gain all of the benefits of any form you can take, regardless of the form that you are in
* Sept totem: Lord Collum
* Fetish: Blood Chalice
Fermas: Fire
* Personal: if attacked with a melee or brawl attack, when successfully struck the attacker takes one lethal damage
* Pack: spend one rage. your attacks do no damage for the round, but another member of your pack does an additional level of damage on their next successful strike. you may spend more than one rage on this power.
* Pack totem: Furmling
* Sept: if you so choose, all of your strikes of any sort do aggravated damage
* Sept totem: Lord Kurne
* Fetish: Dreadspear
Hoga: Air
* Personal: gain one extra action per round at no cost. This action goes last.
* Pack: spend a defense retest to cause a member of your pack to take one less damage from an attack. may spend multiple defense on a single attack.
* Pack totem: Hogling
* Sept: instead of taking steps, may teleport to any location that can be seen by the garou
* Sept totem: Lord Choke
* Fetish: Bottled Night
Lady Yul: Earth
* Personal: may spend willpower to defend in a physical challenge as if it were mental/social
* Pack: spend one gnosis and take a level of lethal damage. an attack that just struck a packmate does no damage
* Pack totem: Waakshan
* Sept: may spend multiple willpower to defend rather than just one
* Sept totem: Waaksha
* Fetish: Fulminous Carapace
Nov 14, 2016
A detailed guide on becoming a Child of the Moon as well as what abilities lycanthropy grants your character.

Becoming a Werewolf

There is only a few ways to become a Werewolf in Skyrim all of them during and after the Companions Questline, for those who haven't gone through the Companion's Questline there is a moment where you will encounter Werewolves and this way you can become a Werewolf.
For those who don't want ot be spoiled for the Companions questline keep going through the questline, the game will show you how to become one when you get to a point. You can skip this section of the guide until you get to the part of the Companions Questline involving Werewolves.
Spoilers for the quest where you encounter the Werewolves:
After you find out the Circle of Companions are Werewolves in 'Proving Honor', the next quest 'The Silver Hand', will make the place follow Skjar into a hidden cave under the forge by the Jorrvaskr. When inside Alea the Huntress has transformed into a Werewolf, Skjar will then speech about the history of their gift of Hircine.
He will ask for the permission of the player to proceed and he will cut Alea's arm in her Werewolf form and her blood will pour into a basin to which you must drink from it. After drinking it, the character will blackout and become a werewolf out whiterun. In this part the player can stay within the area away from the guards and citizens because going out will make them hostile to you, however you will not get a bounty nor be hostile to the citizens and guards of Whiterun after the transformation.
After the 'The Silver Hand' quest the player is free to be a werewolf.

The other way of turning into a Werewolf is after the Companions Questline is completed
Spoilers for End of Companions Questline:
Considering you have to become a Werewolf during the Companions Questline you no longer need to become a Werewolf again, however by the end of the questline you can get the opportunity to cure yourself of Lycanthropy, or you have been cured of your Lycanthropy by becoming a Vampire Lord through the Dawnguard DLC.
If you have been cured you can turn back into a Werewolf by simply asking one of the Circle members of the Companions, Alea, Farkas or Vilkas (however if you cured Farkas or Vilkas they can't give you beast blood anymore). After that you cannot ask to become a Werewolf again due to disrepsect to Hircine of curing your Beast Blood.

Powers and Abilities in Human Form

Even though the Werewolf Form is the bigger part of being a Werewolf, there are small changes to your character in Human Form.
When you're a Werewolf your character (if Male) will appear a little bit hairier on the chest, arms, and legs as well as guards of any hold will have a random chance to say 'you smell like a wet dog' as a greeting to your character.
Werewolves in their Human form have a 100% resistence to diseases, including Sanguinare Vampiris (Vampirism). Werewolves also cannot get the 'Well Rested' sleeping bonus nor the 'Lovers Comfort' or 'Father's/Mother's Comfort' sleeping bonuses.
And finally in Human form werewolves gain the power of 'Beast Form' in which once a day (unless you have the Ring of Hircine) you can transform into a Werewolf. Note: Transforming into a Werewolf in front of people will grant you a 1000 gold bounty even after transforming back so you must transform somewhere hidden.

Ring Of Hircine

The Ring of Hircine is a ring with the gift of transforming the wearer into a werewolf, under it's cursed form it transforms even non-werewolves into werewolves.
It is aquired through the quest 'i'll Met By Moonlight', which can be started by speaking to Sinding within the Falkreath Jail in the Falkreath Barracks. During the quest the player automatically equips the cursed ring of hircine forcing a transformation into a werewolf at any random time, completing the quest Hircine himself will lift the curse on the ring and so the ring will be normal.
This ring is unique as it can grant you an extra transformation a day (unlimited if you re-equip it).

The Rings of Frostmoon Pack (Dragonborn DLC)

The Skyrim Special Edition comes with the Dragonborn DLC already installed and this adds a pack of werewolves on the island of Solstheim, to non-werewolves they will tell them to go away but if the character is a werewolf they will greet you with open arms.
This pack contains four people as they are the last werewolf pack on Solstheim, speaking with the leader Majni will allow him to sell the character the four rings. The Ring of Bloodlust, The Ring of Instinct, The Ring of the Hunt, and The Ring of the Moon.

Powers and Abilities in Werewolf Form

The whole part of being a Werewolf is the ability to (temporarily) transform into a humanoid wolf in which is a very powerful and strong beast that possesses supernatural strength, speed, and stamina along with their sharp claws and razor teeth.
All werewolf powers and abilities can be enhanced and improved by the Werewolf Skill Tree, which is only accessed within werewolf form.


When not in combat in Werewolf Form, the character has their health increases by 50 and their stamina by 100. Stamina regenerates at a 20% rate from the base 5% regeneration rate, carry weight is enormously largened so you can sprint across the land even if you are overencumbered.
A downside is you cannot regenerate health unless you feed on a body of a human (or animal if you have the Savage Feeding perk).Skyrim


While in Werewolf Form, the character has very powerful attacks with their claws at a base 150 unarmed damage, there is a 20% of every swipe of the claw will send enemies into a ragdoll and get knocked back. A Sprint and Claw attack is an almost insta-kill dealing massive damage and knockback.
Like dual wielding the werewolf can swipe it's left or right claw as well as do a dual attack swiping both claws to deal massive damage.


Another major feature of a Werewolf is their ability to howl in which has a supernatural effect on the world.
The default initial howling Werewolves start out with is the Howl of Terror, whenever a Werewolf howls people passive or hostile will flee from the werewolf for 60 seconds unless they are above a certain level, and nearby wolves will aid you,
After completeing the Companions Questline there is a quest given by Alea the Huntress to send to character out to retrieve three totems: Totem of Brotherhood, Totem of The Hunt, and the Totem of Terror, in which all three change the default howl to do a different effect. The Totem powers can also be upgraded in the Werewolf Skill Tree.
  • Totem of Brotherhood - Summon two red pack members for 60 seconds to aid you in battle.
  • Totem of the Hunt - Detect the life of all beings in the area.
  • Totem of Terror - default howl now works on higher level enemies.

Rings of Frostmoon Pack (Dragonborn DLC)

Majni, the leader of the Frostmoon Pack on Solstheim, can sell the character four rings that can give the character abilities in werewolf form by wearing them just before transformation.
  • Ring of Bloodlust - Attacks do 50% more damage, but also take 50% more damage.
  • Ring of the Hunt - Health regenerates overtime.
  • Ring of Instinct - Slow time for 20 seconds during transformation.
  • Ring of the Moon - increase duration of howls by 20%.

Werewolf Skill Tree

With the Dawnguard DLC Werewolves have their own Skill Tree which is accessed by pressing the button you binded to Character Menu, then you will open up a single unique skill set which upgrades your werewolf abilities.
List of Perks:
  • Bestial Strength - Do more damage as a werewolf, this perk has four ranks. (Rank 1) 25% more damage, (Rank 2) 50% more damage, (Rank 3) 75% more damage, and the final (Rank 4) 100% more damage.
  • Animal Vigor - 100 point bonus to health and stamina in beast form (Requires Bestial Strength).
  • Gorging - Feeding heals twice as much (Requires Animal Vigor).
  • Savage Feeding- Able to feed of most dead creatures, Feeding off creatures instead of people only provides half the extended time (Requires Gorging).
  • Totem of Ice Brothers - Totem of Brotherhood ability now calls two ice wolves to aid you in battle (Requires Bestial Strength).
  • Totem of the Moon - replaces the Totem of Ice Brothers perk, Totem of Brotherhood howl now summons two red ghost werewolves that will aid you in battle. They also have the same abilities as your characters werewolf does i.e: 20% ragdoll enemies (Requires Bestial Strength).
  • Totem of the Predator - Totem of Hunt howl has extended range, and shows whether the targets are not in combat, searching or actively in combat (Requires Bestial Strength).
  • Totem of Terror - Howl of Terror now affects even more higher leveled beings (Requires Bestial Strength).

Wolf Totems Skyrim Weapons

To get perk points the character in werewolf form must feed on a freshly dead corpse. 5 feedings for 1st perk, 6 feedings for 2nd, 9 feedings for 3rd, 11 feedings for 4th, 13 feedings for 5th, 15 for feedings 6th, 17 for feedings 7th, 19 for feedings 8th, 21 for feedings 9th, 23 for feedings 10th, and 25 for feedings 11th.

Curing Lycanthropy

There are two ways to cure lycanthropy (three if on PC).


The Simplest way to cure your lycanthropy is to become a Vampire Lord, if you do not know how check out the other guide Vampirism in Skyrim.

Ysgramor's Tomb

Another way to cure your lycanthropy it is quite a tough trek. You will have needed to complete the Companions Questline so those who have not completed it come back to this after you have done.
After you completed the final quest 'Glory of the Dead' of Companions Questline, and cured Kodlak of his Lycanthropy you can get another Glenmoril Witch head and put the head into the fire within Ysgramor's Tomb and defeat the wolf spirit, then your character will be cured.

Console Commands

If you're on PC you can use the Console Commands by pressing the tilde '`' key left of the number 1 on your keyboard, and entering 'player.removespell 00092C48', or 'showracemenu' and cycling through the races and back to your characters original race to select, as well as the 'changesex' command cures your lycanthropy.
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