Chrome Dinosaur Hack Advanced

  1. Chrome Dinosaur Hack Advanced Cognitive
  2. Dinosaur Game Chrome Hack
  3. Chrome Dinosaur Hack
  4. Chrome Dinosaur Game

Hack the Google Chrome Dinosaur Game. This hack allows your dinosaur to become invincible, letting players continue the game without fear of being poked or pecked. To hack the game, you’ll need to be on the “No Internet” screen, so go ahead and enter chrome://dino in the address bar. Once there, right-click anywhere on the screen.

  • GitHub is where the world builds software. Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub — the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.
  • I made this little hack to change the dinosaur offline game in Chrome into a mario game. To do it follow the below steps: 1.) Disconnect from the internet and try to load a webpage to get to the offline dinosaur game. Here you can click the space bar to start playing as you may normally do.

Most of us have seen the dreaded “No Internet” error message on Google Chrome. You can actually turn this screen into a fun dinosaur-themed endless runner game and, even better, hack where your dinosaur becomes invincible. Here is how.

How to Play the Hidden Google Chrome Dinosaur Game

If you don̵

7;t have an internet connection, you don’t have to do anything special to play. Just enter any URL in the Google Chrome address bar and you will see this screen.

If you do If you have an Internet connection, you can access this page without disconnecting. Art chrome://dino in the address bar and it will take you there.

Once you reach this screen, you can start the game by pressing the space bar. Once you do this the dinosaur will start running. The aim of the game is to avoid anything that gets in your way, such as birds and cacti. As soon as the dinosaur is hit by a bird or comes across a cactus, it’s game over.

This is a pretty nice way to kill time, and it’s always fun trying to beat your own high score. As you continue, the game becomes more difficult. It’s interesting to think about what is the highest score ever achieved without cheating of course, which brings us to the next point.

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Hack the Google Chrome Dinosaur Game

This hack allows your dinosaur to become invincible so players can continue game without fear of being poked or pecked.

In order to hack the game you need to be on the no internet screen chrome://dino in the address bar. From there, right-click anywhere on the screen and select “Inspect” from the menu that appears.

This will open Chrome DevTools, which will appear on the right of the browser window. In DevTools, select the Console tab.

Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Shift + I and go straight to the Console tab in Chrome DevTools.

Chrome Dinosaur Hack Advanced

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On the Console tab, paste the following command and press Enter:

This may seem like it won’t do anything, but we’ll explain in a moment why this is necessary.

Next, enter this command:

On the next line f (){} is displayed after pressing the Enter key.

Chrome Dinosaur Hack Advanced Cognitive

Here’s what happens now. When the game is over (ie when you hit an object) Runner.prototype.gameOver () is called and the action is triggered. In this case, you will hear a tone, the game will stop and a Game Over message will be displayed. That’s without our code.

Our code replaces the gameOver function with an empty function. That is, instead of hearing the sound, pause the game, and the message appear, nothing happens. You just keep running.

Try it. Close DevTools and press the spacebar to start the game.

Dinosaur Game Chrome Hack

As you can see, the dinosaur is not affected by the cacti or flying creatures. Mission accomplished.

Let’s say you’ve been playing for 25 minutes and you want to quit the game and record your high score. You need a way to end the game which is no longer possible when you come across a cactus.

Do you remember the first code we entered? That saved the normal gameOver Function in the original Variable. That said, we can now run this command to use the normal command gameOver Function:

If you are interested, you can (see 2) see what should normally happen gameOver Function is called.

Source link

Dinosaur game (Trex run) is a fun game and can be played with absolutely no internet. The second method to open this game is to put your device on flight mode and open google chrome. Keep pressing the space bar again and again and make Trex jump to save itself from the cactus plant but after some time, you may find it a bit boring. So, let us try a new way to do this. And this time, we will make Dinosaur Game Hack in a totally different way.


  • 1 Material Required
    • 1.1 LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
  • 2 LDR Connection with Arduino
  • 3 Servo motor
  • 5 Installation on the Computer

Material Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • LDR (light dependent resistor)
  • 10k ohm resistor
  • Servo motor
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard
  • USB Cable
  • Google chrome on a PC for Dinosaur Game Hack

LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)

About LDR

LDR is also known as a photoconductor. It is basically a photocell that works on photoconductivity. This resistor’s value is decreased when the intensity of light decreased. This component is used in street light, camera, light beam alarm, etc.

Structure and Working

The main component for the LDR is Cadmium Sulphide (CdS), that is used as the photoconductor and contains very few electrons when not illuminated. As soon as light falls on the sensor, the electrons are liberated and the conductivity of the material increases. When the light intensity exceeds a certain frequency, the photons absorbed by the semiconductor give band to the electrons. Then, the energy required to jump into the conduction band. This causes the free electrons or holes to conduct electricity and thus dropping the resistance dramatically (< 1 Kiloohm).

R = A.E^a

where E – Illumination (lux)
R – Resistance (Ohms)
A, a – constants

Chrome Dinosaur Hack Advanced

LDR Connection with Arduino

If you use LDR directly with Arduino it may give some floating values. To avoid this, we use a pull-up or pull-down resistance with it. In this trex run, we are using pull-down resistance.

Software ways

Arduino digital pins have in-build pull-down resistance. We can initialize using the software. The Arduino code syntax is:

pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);

Hardware Ways

This method is recommended as you only need a 10k OHM resistance. With the help of a 10k OHM resistance connect input pin and GND. Refer to the image below showing schematics. Source: Wikipedia

Servo motor

A servo motor is a close loop system that allows precise control of angular position. It is a 3 wire system- red, brown, and yellow for supply, GND, and signal.

Servo motor with Arduino

The connection of the servo motor with Arduino is very simple. Connect the servo motor’s red wire to Arduino 5v, black wire with GND, and the yellow wire to pin number 9.

Chrome Dinosaur Hack Advanced

Final Connection

The final connection of Google Chrome games is very simple. Connect everything according to the following schematic diagram shown below.

Installation on the Computer

Step: 1

With the help of a tape, stick LDR facing toward the screen leaving 1cm space from Dino Game.

Step: 2

Again with the help of a tape, stick the Servo motor near the space bar, in such a way that the shaft of the motor hit the space bar.

Dinosaur game chrome hack

Step: 3

The final output will look like this, refer the image below.

Coding for Trex Run

Import Servo motor library.

Defining analog pin A0 as LDR & Servo as myservo

In the void setup function, I am telling I will use LDR(A0) pin for input and my servo will attach to pin no. 9. Also establishing a serial communication at baud rate 9600.

In loop function we are reading LDR value and assign that value to senseValue variable And display it serial.

Chrome Dinosaur Hack

Here we are making a condition to decide the position of servo. we know that LDR gives value according to light intensity. so it will detect the cactus and write the servo from 0degree angle to 100 degree angle. which result the space bar will pressed. and Trex will jump

Chrome Dinosaur Game

Final code copy and upload on your Arduino board